About BSB 2023

The Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics (BSB) is an international conference that covers all aspects of Bioinformatics and Computational and Systems Biology. The initial editions of BSB, in 2002, were called WOB (Workshop on Bioinformatics) and were indexed by DBLP; since 2005, WOB was renamed BSB. BSB is organized by the special interest group in Computational Biology (CE-BioComp) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).

As in past years, BSB 2023 will accept both full papers (for oral presentation) and short papers. Proceedings containing accepted full and short papers will be published as a volume in the Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics series, from Springer. BSB 2023 would like to attract contributions from academic and industrial researchers, both in the exact sciences (computer science, mathematics, and statistics) and in the life sciences (molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, medicine, microbiology, and others).

BSB and X-Meeting

The BSB 2023 will be co-located with the X-Meeting 2023, which takes place between June 13th and 16th. BSB subscribers will have the right to participate in the X-Meeting and vice versa.


The City of Curitiba 

The “Capital Verde” is one of the 10 most sustainable cities in the world with 36 urban preservation spaces, more than 64 m² of green area per inhabitant and has the best air quality among the capitals of Brazil.

It has already received several titles, such as: one of the seven most intelligent communities in the world; the best capital in the country to live in; and today it is recognized worldwide as the smartest and most connected city in Brazil.

About Curitiba

Preloader Image 1500x450 botanico curitiba-velha opera-de-arame

Local / Accomodation


Campus da Indústria – FIEP – https://www.sistemafiep.org.br/campusdaindustria/


 Jardim Botânico – Curitiba  | Paraná | BRASIL | 

CEP 80.215-09


Hotel Slim Curitiba Av. das Torres

Rua Deputado Miguel Buffara, 88 – Cep: 81520-090

+55 (41) 3040-2100 – reservas.slct@slimhoteis.com.br

The Hotel offers differentiated rates for BSB/X-Meeting participants.

Reservations are available through the channels below, indicating participation in the BSB/X-Meeting event

DIRECTLY AT THE HOTEL, Reservations Department:


(41) 3040-2100




0800 704 3311


From 13 to 17/06/2023

– single flat – Standard Category – Double Bed 

            Daily rate R$ 160,00 + 5%. 

– double room – Standard Category – Double or single bed 

            Daily rate R$ 180,00 + 5%. 

– triple flat

            Daily R$ 245,00 + 5% (there are only 5 available on site)


The City of Curitiba 

The “Capital Verde” is one of the 10 most sustainable cities in the world with 36 urban preservation spaces, more than 64 m² of green area per inhabitant and has the best air quality among the capitals of Brazil.

It has already received several titles, such as: one of the seven most intelligent communities in the world; the best capital in the country to live in; and today it is recognized worldwide as the smartest and most connected city in Brazil.

About Curitiba

Preloader Image 1500x450 botanico curitiba-velha opera-de-arame

Local / Accomodation


Campus da Indústria – FIEP – https://www.sistemafiep.org.br/campusdaindustria/


 Jardim Botânico – Curitiba  | Paraná | BRASIL | 

CEP 80.215-09


Hotel Slim Curitiba Av. das Torres

Rua Deputado Miguel Buffara, 88 – Cep: 81520-090

+55 (41) 3040-2100 – reservas.slct@slimhoteis.com.br

The Hotel offers differentiated rates for BSB/X-Meeting participants.

Reservations are available through the channels below, indicating participation in the BSB/X-Meeting event

DIRECTLY AT THE HOTEL, Reservations Department:


(41) 3040-2100




0800 704 3311


From 13 to 17/06/2023

– single flat – Standard Category – Double Bed 

            Daily rate R$ 160,00 + 5%. 

– double room – Standard Category – Double or single bed 

            Daily rate R$ 180,00 + 5%. 

– triple flat

            Daily R$ 245,00 + 5% (there are only 5 available on site)