
🕐 Brazilian Time

November 22: Opening session

  • 10h30 – 11h: Welcome


Dr. Daniel C. de Oliveira (UFF, Brazil) – Coordinator of the Special Committee on Computational Biology of the SBC

Dr. Raquel C. M. Minardi (UFMG, Brazil) – General chair

Dr. José Viterbo Filho (UFF, Brazil) – Director of Publications of the SBC

Dr. Maria Emilia Walter (UnB, Brazil) – Program chairDr. Peter F. Stadler (University of Leipzig, Germany)

Dr. Marcelo M. Brigido (UnB, Brazil)

Dr. Maribel Hernández Rosales (Cinvestat, Mexico)

Dr. Waldeyr M. C. Silva (IFG, Brazil)

Dr. Marcelo Reis (Butantan Institute, Brazil)

  • 11h – 12h30: Opening talk (session chair: Dr. Peter Stadler)

Tribute to Professor João Carlos Setubal


Dr. Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros (UNICAMP, Brazil)

Dr. Nalvo F. Almeida Jr. (UFMS, Brazil)

Talk: Dr. João Carlos Setubal (Institute of Chemistry at USP-SP, Brazil)

Title: Microbial genome informatics in the microbiome era

  • 14h – 17h: Minicurso (em Português)

Tema: Introdução ao Aprendizado de Máquina para Bioinformática

Professor: Marcelo S. Reis é um bioinformata com mais de 20 anos de experiência nessa área. Doutor em Ciência da Computação pela USP (2012). Desde 2013 é pesquisador associado ao Instituto Butantan, onde utiliza técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina na modelagem dinâmica de sistemas biológicos.

November 23: Invited talk and Technical session 1

  • 11h – 12h30: Technical session 1 (session chair: Dr. Marcelo Reis)

11h – 11h30: Comparative transcriptome profiling of Maytenus ilicifolia root and leaf 

11h30 – 12h: Hypusine plays a role in translation of short mRNAs and mediates the polyamine and autophagy pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

12h – 12h15: Mesoscopic evaluation of DNA mismatches in PCR primer-target hybridisation to detect SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (Short paper)

12h15 – 12h30: MathPIP: classification of proinflammatory peptides using mathematical descriptors (Short paper)

  • 14h – 17h: Minicurso

Tema: Docking e triagem virtual

Professora: Lucianna Santos possui doutorado pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Computacional e Sistemas pela Fiocruz (2016). Desde 2012, utiliza técnicas da área de bioinformática estrutural, com ênfase em modelagem molecular, atuando principalmente com atracamento molecular, triagem virtual, dinâmica molecular, interação receptor-ligante e cálculos computacionais de energia livre.

November 24: Invited talk and Technical session 2

  • 10h – 11h: Invited talk (session chair: Dr. Maria Emilia Walter)

Dr. Marc Hellmuth (Department of Mathematics at the Stockholm University, Sweden)

Title: Gene family histories and homology relations

  • 11h – 12h30: Technical session 2 (session chair: Dr. Waldeyr M. C. Silva)

11h – 11h30 Combining orthology and xenology data in a common phylogenetic tree

11h30 – 12h Topological characterization of cancer driver genes using reactome super pathways networks

12h – 12h30 Heuristics for cycle packing of adjacency graphs for genomes with repeated genes

  • 14h – 15h: Invited talk (session chair: Dr. Marcelo Brigido)

Dr. Angelica Cibrian (National Genomics Laboratory for Biodiversity of CINVESTAV, Mexico)

Title: Evolutionary genomics of ancient plants and their symbionts: from species to metabolites.

November 25: Invited talk and Technical session 3

  • 10h – 11h: Invited talk (session chair: Dr. Maribel Hernandez Rosales)

Dr. Deisy Morselli Gysi (BarabasiLab at Network Science Institute, Northeastern University, USA)

Title: Drug repurposing for treating diseases: a network medicine approach

  • 11h – 12h45: Technical session 3 (session chair: Dr. Raquel C. M. Minardi)

11h – 11h30: ContFree-NGS: removing reads from contaminating organisms in next generation sequencing data

11h30 – 12h: Deep learning-based COVID-19 diagnostics of low-quality CT images

12h – 12h30: Feature importance analysis of non-coding DNA/RNA sequences based on machine learning approaches

12h30 – 12h45: CEvADA: co-evolution analysis data archive (Short paper)

  • 14h – 16h: Special session “Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence” (session chair: Dr, Maribel Hernandez-Rosales)

RIABIO Ibero-American Network on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Big BioData (Sponsor)

  • 16h – 17h30: Meeting of the Special Committee of Computational Biology – CEBioComp (Brazilian Computer Society) (via Zoom)

November 26: Technical session 4 and round tables

  • 10h – 11h30: Technical session 4 (session chair: Dr. Daniel de Oliveira)

10h – 10h30: PIMBA: a PIpeline for MetaBarcoding Analysis 

10h30 – 11h: CellHeap: a workflow for optimizing COVID-19 single-cell RNA-seq data processing in the Santos Dumont supercomputer

11h – 11h15: FluxPRT: an adaptable and extensible proteomics LIMS (Short paper)

11h15 – 11h30: Metagenomic insights of the microbial community from a polluted river in Brazil 2020 (Short paper)

  • 12h – 12h45: Round tables: the objective is to have a free discussion and to  exchange ideas among students, researchers and professionals, about a specific theme. The students can freely participate of the tables, as they wish.

Table 1: theme “Quo vadis, bioinformatics / computational biology?”, coordinator – Prof. Peter Stadler (University of Leipzig, Germany).

Table 2: theme: STEM questions and challenges in bioinformatics, coordinators – Prof. Maribel Hernandez-Rosales (Cinvestat, Mexico) and Prof. Vinita Gowda (IISER Bhopal, India).

Table 3: theme: Career opportunities – academy and industry, coordinators – Steve Hoffman (Leibniz Institute on Aging Research, Fritz Lipmann Institute, Germany), Dr. Elizabeth Tapia (CIFASIS-CONICET-UNR, Argentina) and Dr. Tania Carrillo-Roa (Roche Diagnostics, Australia).

  • 12h45 – 13h: Closing session
  • Best paper announcement
    Presentation of BSB 2022